Upcoming Trip: Allandale Reserve

Where: Allandale Reserve, Governors Bay Teddington Rd (see maps below) When: Monday 5 March 2018, 10 am until about 12 This is a muddy, saltwater wetland, so gumboots are recommended. Our meeting location is marked with a red pin on the maps below: What to bring: * Sensible clothing (sturdy footwear, hats etc.) * Any... Continue Reading →

“Weekly” *news

spoiler alert...it's definitely not weekly *not much news involved either Well it's the one hundredth post I am not going to pretend that this isn't an excuse to get post 100. That cyclone thing was a near miss, pretty heavy rainfall. I think we could try doing some Andy Goldsworthy type art next time we... Continue Reading →

John Britten Reserve, Trip #59

  Earlier this week we spent a scenic morning on the Port Hills, at John Britten Reserve. Below is some of what we saw: Animals Orbweaver spider Garden orbweb spider Jumping spider This spider was dark grey and very flat - it kept disappearing into this crack. Flesh flies There were quite a few flies... Continue Reading →

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